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The state allocated 6 billion yuan to detonate solid-state batteries! Who can fire the first shot of all-solid mass production?
448 2024-06-03
2027 is a key node, who will be the first to land applications, or will change the future market pattern to a certain extent, but under the dual limitations of technology and cost, the industrialization of all-solid-state batteries has a long way to go.
With the continuous breakthrough of key technologies in the battery field, a number of car companies and battery manufacturers on the market began to gradually introduce a solid state battery mass production schedule, making the recent solid state battery plate more hot and hot frequently.
On May 29, according to a number of media news, China or will invest about 6 billion yuan for all-solid-state battery research and development, including Ningde Times, BYD, FAW, SAIC, Weilan New Energy and Geely a total of six enterprises or get basic research and development support from the government.
A number of people familiar with the matter confirmed that this unprecedented project in the industry is led by relevant government ministries and commissions to encourage conditional enterprises to carry out research and development of all-solid-state battery-related technologies. It is reported that after rigorous screening, the project was finally divided into seven specific projects, focusing on different technical routes such as polymers and sulfides.
As soon as the news came out, the solid-state battery concept was pulled up by late-day transactions, and a number of concept stocks rose.
Are solid-state batteries really coming?

0-1 breakthrough: Compromise for semi-solid batteries
In April, a conference of Zhiji Automobile detonated the concept of solid-state batteries, but at the same time, the development of the current solid-state battery industry has also attracted many questions.
Hype or a real breakthrough? Bragging or real power?
The transition from liquid batteries to solid-state batteries is considered by the industry to be the main path for the development of next-generation battery technology, and can be greatly improved in terms of battery performance and safety.
However, with the current technology to achieve the mass production of all-solid-state batteries, there are still many difficulties.
In the performance presentation, Ningde era admitted that there are still many basic scientific problems to be solved in solid-state batteries, such as the ion diffusion rate in most solid electrolytes and liquid electrolytes are orders of magnitude different, and the solid interface is difficult to always maintain good contact, etc., after breaking through these scientific and technological problems, there will be industrialization problems. Zeng Yuqun, chairman of Ningde Times, also said in March that the current technology of solid-state batteries is "still not good enough."
It is understood that the first generation of "Light Year" solid-state battery released by Zhiji Automobile uses nanoscale solid-state electrolyte coated with ultra-high nickel material, a new generation of high-specific energy composite silicon carbon material is negative, the battery capacity reaches 133kW·h, and there will be no heat spread and fire under extreme circumstances, and the CLTC pure electric mileage exceeds 1000km. 12 minutes of charging can replenish 400km.
According to Zhiji automotive battery supplier Qingtao Energy news shows that the first generation of "light year" solid-state battery added 10% of the "wetting agent" in the solid electrolyte.
According to the data, solid state batteries are generally divided into three forms, which are semi-solid (liquid content 5-10wt%), quasi-solid state (liquid content 0-5wt%) and all-solid state (liquid content 0wt%), therefore, the first generation of "light year" solid state batteries carried by Zhiji L6 also belong to the transition products from liquid to solid state, which is the semi-solid state battery said by the market.
Li Zheng, general manager of Qingtao Energy, said that the company expects to gradually reduce the proportion of wetting agents in the next two to three years, and gradually transition to the true sense of solid-state batteries.

Recently, the "White Paper on the Development of China‘s solid-state battery Industry (2024)" jointly released by research institution EVTank and Ivey Economic Research Institute and China Battery Industry Research Institute pointed out that since 2022, the research and development and industrialization of solid-state batteries have made significant progress. In particular, with the mass production and loading of semi-solid state batteries by Chinese enterprises represented by Weilan New Energy and Ganfeng Lithium Battery, it marks that semi-solid state batteries have realized industrialization in the economic sense in 2023.
At the same time, EVTank also stressed that all-solid-state batteries are still facing ion conductivity problems, solid-state interface problems and cycle performance problems that have not been fully solved, and it is expected that their industrialization time node will be around 2030.
Therefore, at present, the industry has basically determined the development route of "liquid battery - semi-solid battery - quasi-solid state battery - all-solid state battery". According to the data of the China Automotive power Battery Industry Innovation Alliance, from January to April, the amount of semi-solid battery loaded in China reached 1138.8MWh, and the supporting battery enterprises are Weilan new energy.
However, some manufacturers said that the current semi-solid battery is not significantly ahead of the liquid battery in terms of performance, and even after the superimposed cost factors, the advantages of semi-solid batteries are not obvious.
At the end of 2023, Weilai is also equipped with a 150-degree semi-solid state battery provided by Weilan New Energy to complete 1000km road test. However, Li Bin, CEO of NIO, has said that NIO‘s semi-solid battery model has more symbolic significance than practical significance, and more lies in showing the development progress of battery technology.
Although the all-solid-state battery is still a long way from the commercial mass production of the car, in front of the powerful performance to solve the safety problems and endurance anxiety, a number of car companies and battery manufacturers have entered the game. Like GAC, Changan and other car companies have held a press conference to announce the all-solid-state battery plan; Battery companies such as Guoxuan High-tech, Linxin New Energy, and Tailan New Energy also announced the project construction progress and the latest research and development trends.
Of course, in the face of the "marketing spree" of solid-state batteries on the market, the power battery leader Ningde era can not sit still.

In April, Wu Kai, chief scientist of Ningde Times, disclosed that Ningde Times has the opportunity to produce solid-state batteries in small batches in 2027. He said that if the maturity of all-solid-state batteries is expressed by the number 1-9, the current maturity of the Ningde era is at the level of 4, and the goal is to reach the level of 7-8 by 2027.
The "change of mouth" of Ningde era is more like an illustration of the industry atmosphere. At present, the entire battery industry has entered the stage of solid-state battery "carnival", as a battery leader if there is no dynamic, is bound to lead to investors and the market that the company in the field of innovation behind the industry misunderstanding.
In fact, as early as 2023 during the Shanghai Auto Show, Ningde Times has released condensed matter batteries, its single energy density up to 500Wh/kg, and the first application of the battery scene is the aviation field.
Taking into account that Ningde era has a research and development team of more than 20,000 people, the research and development investment in 2023 is as high as 18.3 billion yuan, and the advantage of R&D innovation in next-generation batteries such as solid-state batteries is stronger than most companies.
In general, the greatest significance of semi-solid state batteries is the breakthrough of 0-1, whether it is the direct development of all-solid state, or to meet the current needs of the transition products to evolve, its ultimate purpose is high energy, high safety all-solid-state batteries.
Technology + cost: solid state industrialization is a long way to go
Semi-solid battery and all-solid battery is not a word difference, the current semi-solid battery technology system actually has very large interoperability with the liquid battery production process, including the diaphragm is not removed, the most intuitive change is the electrolyte replacement for semi-solid electrolyte.
If you only look at the changes in experience, the main highlights of semi-solid batteries are safety and battery life.
The all-solid-state battery has higher requirements for lithium battery materials, production process, and packaging methods, and the chemical properties have changed greatly, and the existing liquid battery production process is more different, and the technical system needs to be re-established, including the supply network and market ecology.

From the industry chain point of view, the current domestic mainstream enterprises have successively joined the solid state battery system research and development process, including the development of solid electrolyte replacement electrolyte and diaphragm, but because the current solid electrolyte specific technical route has not been determined, so the demand for specific metal elements are also different; The positive electrode material continues to use the high nickel ternary, and changes to the rich lithium manganese base; The negative electrode material gradually evolves to the direction of silicon based negative electrode and lithium metal negative electrode. At the same time, due to the impact of packaging methods, it is expected to drive the demand for aluminum-plastic film......
The development trend of domestic solid-state batteries is strong, and the layout of technological research and industrialization is also improving. According to incomplete statistics of the battery network, in just five months since 2024, there have been more than ten solid-state battery projects in China, and the total investment amount has been nearly 40 billion yuan.
In addition, as of now, 14 domestic enterprises related to the field of solid-state battery manufacturing have obtained 48 rounds of financing. Specifically, Qingtao Energy received 10 rounds of financing, Weilan New Energy received 8 rounds of financing, Huineng Technology received 7 rounds of financing, Xinjie Energy received 6 rounds of financing, Tailan New Energy received 5 rounds of financing, High Energy Times, Ganfeng lithium Power, Enli Power received 2 rounds of financing, leading New Energy, Zhongke Shenlan Huize, Zhonggu Times, Zhongke Fixed Energy, Ronggu New Materials, Yihua New Energy received 1 round of financing.
During this year‘s two sessions, solid-state battery technology triggered extensive discussion and proposals. Among them, Chen Jun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and vice president of Nankai University, said in an interview that solid-state batteries are the focus of research and development in various countries, and once industrialization, it will change the pattern of the electric vehicle industry and open up emerging markets such as electric aviation.
Chen Jun introduced that his team actively undertakes major national research and development plans, key research and development projects, and works with Beijing‘s scientific and technological innovation advantage units to tackle key problems, and has developed a 400Wh/kg solid-state battery, which is more than 30% compared with the most advanced 300Wh/kg lithium electronic battery energy density on the market. The next one to two years to break through 600Wh/kg solid state battery research and development.
In addition, in the past two years, China has made significant progress in solid-state battery patent applications and layout, and even surpassed Japan in patent layout.
As of May 27, from the perspective of technical sources (patent applicants), Japan is still the world‘s largest country in the field of solid-state battery patent applications, accounting for nearly 40% of the global patent applications, China ranked second, accounting for about 26.6%. However, from the perspective of the layout market (where patent applications are located), China is the world‘s largest market for solid-state battery patent layout, accounting for about 31.4%. Japan followed with about 27 percent.
EVTank analysis said that overseas enterprises represented by Japan and the United States laid out solid-state batteries earlier, including Toyota, Panasonic, Solid Power, QuantumScape, etc., with all-solid-state batteries as the development goal, and its industrialization progress is relatively slow. Chinese enterprises represented by Weilan New Energy, Qingtao Energy and Ganfeng Lithium Power have chosen semi-solid batteries with easier industrialization as transition stage products, promoting the industrialization of semi-solid batteries.
It is understood that Japan and South Korea are mainly based on sulfide systems, and China is mostly based on oxides and sulfide systems, while start-up companies in the United States have a layout in sulfides, oxides and polymers.
Yu Qingjiao, secretary-general of the Zhongguancun new battery Technology Innovation Alliance, said that at present, the polymer, oxide and sulfide routes are relatively mature compared with other routes, and there are more enterprises in the layout. Among them, the advantage of polymer is easy to process, the cost also has a certain advantage, but the conductivity and stability is poor; The conductivity and stability of oxides are relatively good, but the cost is higher than that of polymers. Sulfide has excellent conductivity, but poor thermal stability, difficult process and high cost.
In addition to technical difficulties, the biggest problem facing solid-state batteries is the difficulty of mass production, including issues involving high material costs and complex manufacturing processes. According to the current progress announced by domestic battery manufacturers and car companies, the mass production time of all-solid-state batteries is mainly concentrated in 2026-2028, and it is expected to achieve industrialization in 2030; Foreign battery companies such as Japan and South Korea are also focused on mass production from 2027 to 2030.
Among them, 2027 is a key node, who will be the first to land applications, or will change the future market pattern to a certain extent.
However, under the dual limitations of technology and cost, the industrialization of all-solid-state batteries is a long way to go.

Since this year, the solid state battery industry chain has been frequently good news, semi-solid state batteries have been installed in succession, car companies have also released related solid-state battery new products or road test operation....... In addition, with the rapid development of the eVTOL industry, it puts forward higher requirements for battery energy density, safety, and rate performance, but the current battery technology can not fully meet its requirements, so the future solid-state batteries are expected to usher in batch applications in eVTOL.
Based on the research and judgment of the solid-state battery technology route and cost reduction path, EVTank expects that by 2030, the global shipments of solid-state batteries will reach 614.1GWh, the penetration rate of the overall lithium battery is expected to be about 10%, and the market size will exceed 250 billion yuan, mainly for semi-solid-state batteries.

Source: Battery 100 People - Battery
network author: Chang Qing